NST: 254,000 more apply to be voters

PUTRAJAYA: Those who registered as voters between April and June should check their details in the quarterly electoral roll which will be displayed from today until July 24 nationwide.

A statement from the Election Commission said 254,474 applications to register as voters were received during the period.
Another 61,768 applications were received from existing voters to change their addresses.

Besides these two lists, names which have been removed from the master electoral roll will also be displayed.
Those whose names have been deleted are either dead, have renounced their citizenship or have retired from the armed forces or police, and thus no longer qualified as postal voters, said the statement issued by the EC’s public relations officer Sabri Said.

Another list, with the names of 22,433 people who are still using the old eight-digit identity card, will also be displayed.Sabri said these records were not found in the National Registration Department’s database despite having their names in the master electoral roll.”The purpose of displaying the names is to delete those with the old IC who have passed away and those whom we cannot verify as Malaysian citizens.
“However, others can appeal to us not to have their names removed,” he said.
The lists will be displayed at 866 places nationwide — at all EC state offices (14), computerised post offices (427), district and land offices (156), government complexes (48), district and municipal council offices (43), multipurpose halls, Rukun Tetangga, public halls, village halls (166), and other places (12).
Voters are reminded to inform the EC if they have changed their address of residence.
Those wanting to object to any name displayed on the roll must use the C Form.
The EC also requests the next of kin of deceased voters to send a copy of the death certificate or burial permit through fax or post to the state offices or the headquarters in Putrajaya, at 03-88889117. For enquiries, call 03-88856500.