The Star: 2 March 2008
PETALING JAYA: Malaysia’s 10.2 million voters are expected to turn up in full force to elect their next government on March 8.
A recent survey shows that 96% of the 2,930 respondents interviewed are going to cast their votes – 98% of Malays and 94% of both Chinese and Indians want to decide through the ballot papers in this 12th General Election.
The Star-commissioned survey, with a margin of error of less than 4%, was conducted between Dec 8 and Dec 29, last year.
It was headed by the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) professor of the Department of Communications Prof Datuk Dr Syed Arabi Idid.
The survey, involving voters aged 21 to 51 years and above, also revealed the following:
> Malaysians want their security to be guaranteed and for the country to continue to develop and prosper. This is their hope for the future.
> A high number of respondents feel that the future was bright, including many which stated that Malaysia had “a very good future”.
> 70% of voters agreed that MPs loved to help the people.
> The newspaper is still the principal choice of media for Malaysians as their source of news and other information, despite the increasing use of the Internet.
> Despite various negative issues and criticisms that had cropped up in the country recently, the support for the Barisan Nasional among the respondents remains very strong.