Charles Hector
What happened to local council elections? Elections at the kampung, kampung baru, taman, kampung orang asli…?
Now, in December 2009, they are setting up committee to study ‘local democracy’ …. when local council elections were pre-March 2008 promises?
Pakatan governs 4 States (since March 2008)…and we have to look at the changes that they have done here. Is there greater transparency, accountability & democracy?
Minutes of State Legislative Assemblies, Local Councils, State Exco still not availbale on the websites…
What State Enactments and other legislation have been repealed, amended or introduced to bring about changes?
And, now they again make promises – but fail to set time frames, or provide specifics. Maybe 5 years (or 10 years) after they are in power, they will start setting up committees to start implementing promises…
Local Council Elections – that will be the indicator….Remember the very long deadline set by civil society groups was before 2010….and there is no indication that they will have local council elections any time soon…
Pakatan promises again but not much changes seen in 4 states they have governed since March 2008
Charles Hector
What happened to local council elections? Elections at the kampung, kampung baru, taman, kampung orang asli…?
Now, in December 2009, they are setting up committee to study ‘local democracy’ …. when local council elections were pre-March 2008 promises?
Pakatan governs 4 States (since March 2008)…and we have to look at the changes that they have done here. Is there greater transparency, accountability & democracy?
Minutes of State Legislative Assemblies, Local Councils, State Exco still not availbale on the websites…
What State Enactments and other legislation have been repealed, amended or introduced to bring about changes?
And, now they again make promises – but fail to set time frames, or provide specifics. Maybe 5 years (or 10 years) after they are in power, they will start setting up committees to start implementing promises…
Local Council Elections – that will be the indicator….Remember the very long deadline set by civil society groups was before 2010….and there is no indication that they will have local council elections any time soon…