NCR Land To Remain Favourite Opposition Election Issue – Masing

KANOWIT, July 10 (Bernama) — Native Customary Right (NCR) land will remain a favourite issue with the Opposition when trying to win votes from the Dayak community in the coming 10th state elections.
State land development minister Datuk Sri Dr James Jemut Masing said opposition parties would depict the government as a great villain intent on seizing the land from the owners.
He said it was common knowledge that the government was keen to develop NCR land as part of its efforts to eradicate rural poverty among the Dayak community.
Masing said, a desperation for money could lead some people to sell the land, adding that in this manner, the Dayak could lose such land.
He was speaking at a gathering with landowners from the Majau and Poi areas here, who would be participants in a joint-venture commercial oil palm plantation with the Antero Capitol Sdn Bhd, a Kuala Lumpur-based investor.
The event was held at a 16-door longhouse, Rh. Julin, Sungai Sedabai in Poi near here Sunday. — BERNAMA