Join BERSIH 2.0 in its struggle for free and fair elections! Here are some of the ways you — as a Malaysian citizen — can help uphold your rights:
If you are a registered voter…
- Check your registration and the registration of your family in the electoral roll at the Election Commission’s GE13 website. If there are any irregularities, please make a complaint to the EC and e-mail us at [email protected] if you need any assistance.
- Volunteer as an election observer with PEMANTAU, a citizens’ election observer initiative by BERSIH 2.0, Malaysians for Free and Fair Elections (MAFREL) and Pusat KOMAS. We are mobilising citizens to be present during GE13 to observe the electoral process, deter and minimise the instances of cheating and fraudulent practices that may take place during the elections. Briefings are currently being held all over the country.
- Come out to vote! Given the risk of electoral fraud in what is likely to be a very tight election, every legitimate vote counts.
If you are a registered voters overseas…
- Vote, either by coming home to vote in person or by applying to be a postal voter. BERSIH 2.0 strongly encourages all registered voters residing, working or studying overseas to vote by the means available to them. Together with Global Bersih, MyOverseasVote and Tindak Malaysia, we have developed a voting advisory for overseas Malaysian voters.
If you are not a registered voter…
- Register as a voter, in case there are by-elections after GE13.
- Volunteer as a PEMANTAU or PACABA.
Other actions you can take:
- Volunteer to be a PACABA (polling agent, counting agent, barung agent). Tindak Malaysia is currently conducting PACABA trainings. (Note: if you are a PACABA, you cannot also volunteer as a PEMANTAU.)
- Donate RM10 to BERSIH 2.0’s PEMANTAU work. We are aiming to recruit, train, and deploy 10,000 volunteers. Every resource you can donate to us is greatly appreciated. Our account details can be found here.
- Wear yellow on voting day to show your support for clean and fair elections. You cannot be stopped from entering the polling station for wearing a particular colour, as long as you do not wear political party logos and other party campaign items (Section 26, Election Offences Act 1954).
- Spread the word! Up-to-date information can be found on our Facebook page and Twitter account — you can do your part by sharing and retweeting.