Ayuh, bertindak bersama DART sekarang!





It’s time for BERSIH again!

The Election Commission has announced that redelineation will start in December. New boundaries of DUNs and Parliament seats will be presented by the EC.

We need to be part of the process to fight against malapportionment and gerrymandering.

What can you do?

Bersama jadi 100_DARTBe one of the 100-plus objectors for your constituency under BERSIH 2.0’s DART*.






The Federal Constitution provides that 100 or more of affected voters in a constituency can object to the EC’s proposed delineation if they disagree. The EC then has to hold a public enquiry. [Section 5(b), Schedule 13 ]

 This is our chance to stop malapportionment and gerrymandering!


borang bantahan1. Download and print this Borang Bantahan, fill in your details, compile at least 100 signatures of fellow registered voters of your constituency.

2. For now, mail them to the BERSIH 2.0 Secretariat (preferably via registered post). Our address: 13, Lorong 4/48E, 46050 Petaling Jaya Selangor, Malaysia.

3. Share our DART leaflet to help spread awareness.


We only have a window of 30 days to object once the delineation starts, so we need to start compiling the forms now! Before filing any objection, our coordinator will contact you again with the details of the objection. 

For more information, go to dart.bersih.org.

* Delineation Action & Research Team


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