21 JANUARY 2016
MERAP analysis reveals shocking results on Sarawak delineation
The Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (BERSIH 2.0) and the Malaysian Electoral Roll Analysis Project (MERAP) are shocked by the results of further analysis of the re-delineation exercise in Sarawak.
The analysis by MERAP has found:
- Based on the voting trends observed in the 13th General Election, Barisan Nasional (BN) has a strong chance of winning 9 out of the 11 new DUNs created by the re-delineation exercise.
- Where BN-friendly seats have been created, the average size of the constituency would shrink between 25% and 47%.
- There has been a worsening imbalance in the number of voters in each DUN, making a mockery of the ‘one person, one vote, one value’ principle.
BERSIH 2.0 and MERAP reiterate the delineation exercise in Sarawak runs counter to the 13th Schedule of the Federal Constitution by:
- Ignoring Section 2(c), which requires all constituencies in the same state should be ‘approximately equal’.
- Giving undue regard and weight to political considerations in drawing boundaries, which is not a specified condition under Section 2.
- Failing to provide adequate information to affected voters as required under Section 4(a).
As the Election Commission continues its approach of championing political interests instead of the interests of voters, it cannot be said to enjoy public confidence. BERSIH 2.0 and MERAP again call for the resignation of the entire Election Commission for its failure to uphold the integrity of our electoral system.
BERSIH 2.0 and MERAP are further disappointed that, despite the EC’s consistent failures, the new EC Chairperson was chosen from within the ranks of the Commission and no effort has been made to change the process of appointment to boost the integrity and independence of the Commission.
Issued by:-
The Steering Committee of BERSIH 2.0 and the Malaysian Electoral Roll Analysis Project