Day: May 16, 2017

SUMMARY: BERSIH 2.0’s Electoral Reforms for GE14

Versi Bahasa Malaysia For the full memo, click here. MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT!   In 2017, Malaysians now face the prospect of another General Election mired in bias, fraud and corruption. It is now a matter of urgency that the Election Commission and the Federal


English version Klik sini untuk mendapatkan memorandum penuh Pertahankan Undi Anda! Rakyat Malaysia bakal menghadapi Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 (PRU14) yang berat sebelah, dan penuh dengan penipuan dan korupsi. Adalah penting untuk Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya dan Kerajaan Persekutuan mengambil langkah untuk mengembalikan keyakinan rakyat terhadap

MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT!—Zero political corruption

Bribery, treating and unauthorised spending are so common in any election in living memory, one would think there is nothing wrong with them. But these are actually among the few things clearly spelt out as offences in the law – i.e. the Election Offences Act:

MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT!—Enforce a caretaker government

This is a best practice in functioning democracies but is not in Malaysia because…well, when one has governed the country since Independence with many checks and balances eroded, let’s just say the status quo works to its advantage. But actually, the EC has the power under

MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT!—Clean electoral roll

The Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on Immigrants in Sabah in 2014 confirmed there were non-citizens in the electoral roll. And data revealed from the election petition for the Likas seat in 2000 shows those doubtful citizens are now registered as voters throughout the country.

MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT!—Secure advance voting

Advance and postal voting is like the OSA of Malaysia’s elections. There is limited information on how overseas Malaysians can register and apply to be overseas voters, although the Election Commission allowed overseas Malaysians to vote in 2013. There are also concerns the procedures provide

KENYATAAN AKHBAR (16 Mei 2017): BERSIH 2.0 lancarkan kempen “Pertahankan Nilai Undi Anda” untuk pembaharuan sistem pilihan raya sebelum PRU14

Menjelang pilihan raya umum yang semakin hampir, inilah masa keemasan untuk menuntut perubahan substantif kepada sistem pilihan raya kita, sebagaimana kita berjaya mendapatkan Jawatankuasa Terpilih Parlimen bagi Penambahbaikan Pilihan Raya yang pertama pada tahun 2012 sebelum pilihan raya umum ketiga belas (PRU13) yang dinanti-nantikan itu.

MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT! BERSIH 2.0’s demands for GE14 electoral reforms

BERSIH 2.0’S DEMANDS Electoral reforms for the 14th general election Immediate actions to ensure a free and fair election     Table of Contents Executive Summary. 3 An independent Election Commission. 5 Current Practice and Implications. 5 Recommendations. 5 Corruption in Elections. 7 Current Practice