MEDIA STATEMENT (24 APRIL 2018): 80 public complaints received; Integrity of Electoral Roll questionable

 The Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (BERSIH 2.0) has today submitted a report to the Election Commission (EC) regarding over 80 public complaints which we have received since the dissolution of Parliament on 7 April 2018, related to the electoral roll, which put into question the integrity of the electoral roll
The complaints we have received are as follows:

Issue Number of verified complaints
Never registered, but name appears on the electoral roll 24
Moved to another distant constituency without their knowledge 14
Members of the same household voting in different constituencies 1
Names have been removed from the electoral roll 16
Attempted to register or change address, but application was not processed by the EC or an objection was filed but the voter was not informed 20
Deceased person and former citizens’ names on the electoral roll 5
Total 80

These complaints have been independently verified by BERSIH 2.0 by cross-checking the current and older versions of the electoral roll.
We demand the EC explain these discrepancies and take urgent action to protect the integrity of the electoral roll before 9 May 2018. EC should also provide a written explanation and action taken to rectify the problems to each of these complainants.
BERSIH 2.0 is especially alarmed by the high number of complaints received from Malaysians staying overseas who have been registered without their consent and those transferred to distant constituencies without their knowledge. It raises serious questions over the registration process and the motivations of those who registered these people who are unlikely to be present to vote on polling day.
It is shameful that some voters will now be unable to cast their ballots in their home constituency due to the EC’s failure to address basic issues with the electoral roll before the general election.
BERSIH 2.0 calls on all voters who faced similar problems to come forward and submit their complaints to the EC without further delay. Complainants should also supply a copy of their complaints to to enable BERSIH 2.0 to assess the seriousness of the problems associated with the electoral roll nationwide.
Issued by:
BERSIH 2.0 Steering Committee