Kenyataan Media Bersih 2.0 (25 Oktober 2020): Krisis Politik Belum Berakhir, CSA Masih Perlu Untuk Melawan Pandemik Dan Kemelesetan October 25, 2020
Press Release from BERSIH 2.0 (25 October 2020): Political Crisis Not Over, CSA Still Needed To Battle Pandemic And Recession October 25, 2020
Press Release from BERSIH 2.0 (25th October 2020): Muhyiddin’s options: A Confidence and Supply Agreement or Resignation on Budget Defeat, not Emergency October 25, 2020
Kenyataan Media BERSIH 2.0 (25 Oktober 2020): Pilihan Muhyiddin: Persetujuan Keyakinan dan Pembekalan atau Letak Jawatan Jika Tewas Dalam Belanjawan, Tolak Darurat October 25, 2020