The Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (BERSIH), along with the coalition of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), youth movements, and students expresses its disappointment and anger regarding the latest developments in the implementation of the reform agenda in this country.
The ‘gift’ of DNAA (discharged not amounting to acquittal) in corruption cases involving political elites, including the reduction of the sentence and fine by the Pardons Board for former Prime Minister Najib Razak has fueled the people’s anger. For one, the government’s failure to be transparent regarding the advice submitted to the Pardons Board indicates a disregard for the people’s right to know the truth. This seems to suggest that promises and commitments to reform, including combating corruption and its perpetrators, have been mere lip service.
This situation sends a strong signal that the people can no longer remain silent, as the trajectory for institutional and political reform in the country veers off course.
The primary concern lies in the prospect that the remaining four-year mandate of the current government will elapse without the implementation of any meaningful structural reforms including electoral reform, anti-corruption measures, and other institutional changes.
BERSIH emphasizes that Malaysia is currently in a critical period of democratic transition, requiring the collective participation of all parties to fully realise the Reform Agenda 100 per cent.
Therefore, BERSIH, together with CSO partners, youth movements, and students, will reinvigorate the people and the grassroots to shed light on the progress of this reform agenda through various actions and activities.
BERSIH will not hesitate to mobilize the people to take to the streets if this is the language best understood by those comfortably in power, regardless of the various excuses given. The people urge the government to implement the 100 percent Reform Agenda, without compromise!
Released by:
The Steering Committee of BERSIH