Page: Press Release
BERSIH PC on Roundtable Resolutions
March 6, 2007
The Transformation of the Election Commission
March 2, 2007
Malaysiakini: Q&A: Election boycotts 'very damaging'
February 16, 2007
Press Release: No one should be forced to vote
January 26, 2007
(The Sun) German electoral system more democratic
January 23, 2007
BERSIH Forum at PAS HQ in Taman Melewar
January 19, 2007
Press advisory: BERSIH PC on 20 January 2007
January 18, 2007
Bersih supports EC’s call for Commission on Electoral Reform
January 10, 2007
Asia247 Live: An Open Dialogue on Clean and Fiar Election
December 16, 2006
PSM joins broad coalition on electoral reforms, BERSIH
November 26, 2006
ABIM: Take BERSIH's Joint Communique Seriously
November 25, 2006
Joint Communiqué
November 23, 2006
BERSIH Launch in Parliament
November 23, 2006
The Bersih Blog
October 17, 2006
BERSIH PC on Roundtable Resolutions
March 6, 2007
The Transformation of the Election Commission
March 2, 2007
Malaysiakini: Q&A: Election boycotts 'very damaging'
February 16, 2007
Press Release: No one should be forced to vote
January 26, 2007
(The Sun) German electoral system more democratic
January 23, 2007
BERSIH Forum at PAS HQ in Taman Melewar
January 19, 2007
Press advisory: BERSIH PC on 20 January 2007
January 18, 2007
Bersih supports EC’s call for Commission on Electoral Reform
January 10, 2007
Asia247 Live: An Open Dialogue on Clean and Fiar Election
December 16, 2006
PSM joins broad coalition on electoral reforms, BERSIH
November 26, 2006
ABIM: Take BERSIH's Joint Communique Seriously
November 25, 2006
Joint Communiqué
November 23, 2006
BERSIH Launch in Parliament
November 23, 2006
The Bersih Blog
October 17, 2006