Tag: batang air by-election

By-elections cost RM3m

The Malay Mail THE Election Commission (EC) has spent about RM3.02 million to accommodate the seven by-elections that had taken place so far this year. This was figure revealed to Malay Mail by EC chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof .

Phantom Voter

<object width=’384′ height=’328′><param name=’wmode’ value=’Transparent’ /><param name=’movie’ value=’http://popteevee.popfolio.net/popteeveescreen.swf?episode=75′ /><param name=’AllowScriptAccess’ value=’sameDomain’ /><embed allowscriptaccess=’sameDomain’ type=’application/x-shockwave-flash’ width=’384′ height=’328′ src=’http://popteevee.popfolio.net/popteeveescreen.swf?episode=75′ wmode=’transparent’></embed></object> Synopsis It seems that the by-election fever has not subsided! With five by-elections done and one more (possibly?) to come, it’s pretty safe to say that some

Mixed results show BN yet to turn tide – Carolyn Hong

Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, April 8 – It was not a night of celebration for Barisan Nasional (BN). The status quo remained with no seats changing parties in the three by-elections held yesterday. But the ruling coalition’s failure to reclaim the two peninsula seats was

Ageing Tajem hits campaign trail for PKR

Terence Netto (Malaysiakini) Judging by name and face recognition, Daniel Tajem Miri is still a factor in Iban politics if a walkabout by the former Parti Bangsa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS) leader in Lubok Antu town yesterday was anything to go by.

Batang Ai: Close fight but BN likely to prevail

Ong Kian Ming (Malaysiakini) While most analysts would be comfortable in predicting that the by-elections in the two Bukits – Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau – will likely be won by Pakatan Rakyat, the contest in the state seat of Batang Ai in the Sri

Anwar tells Iban poor it's time for change

Terence Netto (Malaysiakini) PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim, who was on a two-stop swing through Batang Ai yesterday, hoped to raise the consciousness of the Iban of their need for redemption from poverty. Anwar’s first stop was Kampong Nanga Kesit, located at the end of a

Battling over land rights in Batang Ai

By Deborah Loh (thenutgraph.com) FOOD on the table and a roof over one’s head — these are key issues in almost any election in rural Malaysia. But in the Sarawak hinterland, it’s a more emotional subject as food and shelter are derived from a hereditary

Jawah Gerang is PKR candidate for Batang Ai by-election

KUCHING, 23 March 2009: Former Lubok Antu member of parliament (MP) Jawah Gerang, 55, has been named PKR’s candidate for the 7 April Batang Ai by-election, PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announced here today.

PKR names Jawah Gerang for Batang Ai

Malaysian Insider BATANG AI, March 23 – Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) today picked former five-term Lubok Antu MP Jawah Gerang for the Batang Ai by-election.