Tag: bukit gantang by-election

Phantom Voter

<object width=’384′ height=’328′><param name=’wmode’ value=’Transparent’ /><param name=’movie’ value=’http://popteevee.popfolio.net/popteeveescreen.swf?episode=75′ /><param name=’AllowScriptAccess’ value=’sameDomain’ /><embed allowscriptaccess=’sameDomain’ type=’application/x-shockwave-flash’ width=’384′ height=’328′ src=’http://popteevee.popfolio.net/popteeveescreen.swf?episode=75′ wmode=’transparent’></embed></object> Synopsis It seems that the by-election fever has not subsided! With five by-elections done and one more (possibly?) to come, it’s pretty safe to say that some

Posters of Zambry everywhere helped Umno lose Bt Gantang

By SK English News Former premier Mahathir Mohamad has blamed his Umno party’s loss in Bukit Gantang on the flotilla of posters displaying BN Menteri Besar Zambry Kadir. “There were lots of banners and posters in Bukit Gantang. A lot of them showed the portraits

Mixed results show BN yet to turn tide – Carolyn Hong

Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, April 8 – It was not a night of celebration for Barisan Nasional (BN). The status quo remained with no seats changing parties in the three by-elections held yesterday. But the ruling coalition’s failure to reclaim the two peninsula seats was

EC, Do not practice double standard

Statement by DAP Perak Chairman Ngeh Koo Ham on 5 April 2009 during the lauching of mobile TV in Simpang, Bukit Gantang. I urge Election Commission (EC) not to practice double standard. They should pull down UMNO’s flags and Zambry’s posters/photos.

Media Statement by YB Manogaran in Bukit Gantang

Media statement by DAP MP for Teluk Intan M.Manogaran in Bukit Gantang on Friday, 3rd April 2009: Datuk Dr. Zambry Kadir, State Assemblyman for Pangkor, stated that ‘the BN will play by the rules’, a reference to the imposition of certain conditions in the permits

You can’t mention … that woman, PKR told

Malaysian Insider TAIPING, March 31 – Campaigning for the Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau by-elections has run into a bizarre roadblock, with the police stepping in to dictate what PKR cannot say or do in the intense battle to win votes.

Cops ban PKR from raising Altantuya issue

Malaysiakini In the run-up to the Bukit Gantang by-election on April 7, PKR has been dealt with a severe blow by the police by restricting the issues the political party can raise at its daily ceramah. Going by previous election campaigns, PKR’s ceramah are popular

Seven candidates for Bukit Gantang?

Malaysian Insider IPOH, March 23 — Seven people have bought nomination forms for the Bukit Gantang by-election, polling of which will be held on April 7.