Tag: police

Gangster-like arrests point to police state in the making

JOINT MEDIA STATEMENT (30 March 2015)   Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) and the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (BERSIH 2.0) condemn the gangster-like tactics of the police in arresting social activists and politicians who were involved in the Kita Lawan peaceful gatherings in Kuala

Police Acting Unreasonably, Undemocratically and Unconstitutionally

JOINT MEDIA STATEMENT (25 March 2015)   SUARAM and BERSIH strongly condemn the police’s violent behaviour, excessive use of force and ill-treatment against those who demonstrated at the Customs Department office in Kelana Jaya. The police had acted unconstitutionally when they did not informed the

BERSIH 2.0’s response to statements made by the police

Press Statement: 15 June 2011 BERSIH 2.0’s response to statements made by the police In response to the announcement by the police that they will not issue a permit to BERSIH 2.0 for the Perhimpunan BERSIH 2.0, the Steering Committee wishes to state that it